Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Awesome Easter!

We had a really great Easter this year and it was really fun to see Anna start to understand the meaning of Easter and the joy and blessings that the Savior's resurrection brings to us. 

In our family the Easter Bunny comes on Saturday.  So after Daddy got back from hunting the kids got to search for their Easter baskets and have an Easter egg hunt.

We had great amounts of fun and messes!

 She had to eat each piece of candy in the egg before she would get the next one.  We are soooo lucky she didn't throw up that night!
  He's cheering Anna on.

Nathan and I spent about two hours cleaning up Saturday night after the kids went to bed.  We wanted everything in order so that Sunday was relaxing and we could remember and focus on our Savior.

Easter Sunday was wonderful.  We were actually early to church for the first time in months! (hopefully we can keep that up. )

We sang Easter hymns on the was to church and the messages were great.  My only problem is that they didn't even sing my favorite hymn!  One of my favorites is "He is Risen" and I look forward to singing it in church every Easter.  I even had it stuck in my head for several days prior.  Though we sang other good ones I was sad.

So what did I do...I made the family sing it with me like 10 TIMES that evening.  They are good sports.

Here is our family Easter picture that only took 8 times to get right.(Family Christmas picture took 24 times!!) 

I made Easter dinner for the first time all by myself.  I admit there were moments in the process that I was sure it was bound to fail.  But it actually turned out great! Yes, I made the starving family wait to eat so that I could take pictures of my grand accomplishment.

 My awesome ham that I am so proud of!

Judging by the look on Joshua's face, it was a success. 

I loved having my husband with us for Easter this year.  It was such a special time to remember the resurrection of my Savior.  My faith in him grew this Easter as I studied passages from the scriptures on his death and resurrection.  I know that he lived a perfect life and suffered for my sins and afflictions.  I also know with surety that he was literally resurrected and has a body of flesh and bones(Luke 24:39) and that if I keep my covenants and live worthy I too can be resurrected and live forever.  I testify that he is the Savior of the world.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

He Is Not Here, but Is Risen

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