
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I know that this is His true church here on the earth today.  I know that through the prophet Joseph Smith, the Savior reestablished His church and His authority that existed when he lived on the earth.

I know that we have a living prophet on the earth today to lead and guide us in the ways of Christ.  I am so grateful that the Lord  provides us with a living prophet so that we are not confused and know which way to turn to lead us back to our Father in Heaven.

I know that the Bible and The Book of Mormon are the word of God.  I am grateful for prayer and I know that through this powerful means I can communicate with my Father in Heaven and that he loves me and listens to me.  I am grateful for personal revelation and the Holy Ghost.  I know that as I am worthy, I receive guidance and comfort on a daily basis.

Most of all I am grateful for the Atonement of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  His atonement was the ultimate gift and the one most important event that has ever and will ever take place throughout eternity.  I cannot come close to fully comprehending this sacrifice but I know that He did it for me and for each and every person because He loves us.  I am grateful that my Savior allows me to work and struggle to become more like Him each day and that after all I can do He is there to lift me up and carry me the rest of the way, to make up the difference after all I can do.

Jesus Christ is my Savior, without him I am nothing.  I know not only did he suffer and die for me but most of all that HE LIVES!  This is my testimony that I declare is true in the name of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Amen!